Pressure points on the face for glowing skin may be the key idea for returning your lost glow. It’s normal for us to lose the skin’s glow when we are aging. But you can think of the pressure points on your face which can revive your skin glow again and reduce redness.

Pressure Points On Face For Glowing Skin

You should know where the facial beauty points are. The acupressure points are almost one finger length under the pupils and on both sides of the nose—slightly outside the nostrils. If you massage or pressure these points, the blood circulation improves and reduces the swelling or redness.

After reaching your satisfaction level, you can think about other skincare products to keep the same glow on your skin for a long time. Thus, the pressure points on face for glowing skin work.

What Are The Pressure Points For Face Glow?

Generally there are five acupressure points. Some say that they can brighten your skin along with the use of your daily skincare products.

Third Eye

The third eye pressure point is situated in the middle of the forehead. Again, the pressure points stimulate some glands that can work actively if you can activate them.

Four Whites

The four white pressure points are near the upper side of each cheekbone, almost one finger’s width under the eyes. It may seem that there are four, but the number is only two. You can massage these pints regularly.

As a result, the breakouts and blemishes will start to reduce. Keep in mind that the pressure shouldn’t be too much. Besides, don’t pull the skin very firmly. If you do, it will create wrinkles and fine lines.


You will find the windscreen right behind the earlobe. You will feel a dip between your jaw and ear if you open your mouth. Thus, you will find this pressure point. Pressuring this point creates a bright face.

Facial Beauty

The facial beauty acupressure points are approximately a whole finger’s length below your pupils, on either side of your nose, slightly beyond your nostrils.

Applying pressure or massaging these points promotes a glowing complexion by improving circulation and minimizing redness or swelling.

Heavenly Pillar

You won’t find the heavenly pillar acupressure point in your face because it isn’t in the face. It is somewhere else. They are situated almost a half inch under the skull base and a little far from both sides of your spine.

Do Pressure Points Really Work?

Already, the pressure points have proven effective. Again, some say that pressure points function less for a glowing face. Still, the research is ongoing. Moreover, it works most when it is taken with other therapies or treatments.

Acupressure is effective as an extra part of the treatments for chronic migraine patients. After several months of acupuncture or acupressure, they experienced improvement for it.

Again, it also works as chemotherapy for the breast cancer patient. In addition, acupressure also helps to reduce anxiety.

Pressure Points On Face To Relieve Tension

For severe anxiety or tension pressure points won’t work. You have to consult with a physician. There are 6 pressure points for the relief of tension and anxiety which you can keep as an alternative treatment of it:

Hall Of Impression Point

You will find the hall of impression point between your eyebrows. If you apply here, it can help to reduce anxiety and stress.

Heavenly Gate Point

The heavenly gate point is situated in the upper shell of your ear, where you will see a triangle-like hollow at the tip of it.

Shoulder Well Point

As the name says it all, it’s situated in the shoulder muscle. Pinch the shoulder muscle with the middle finger and thumb. You will find it there.

Union Valley Point

This pressure point is in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. They can help people with stress, headaches, and neck pain.

Great Surge Point

Now, here comes the pressure point on the foot, about two or three finger widths under the intersection of the big toe and second toe. The point is found in the hollow just above the bone. It is suitable for pain, insomnia, and menstrual cramps.

Inner Frontier Gate Point

You can search for the inner frontier gate point on the arm, about three finger widths below the wrist. Along with relieving anxiety, it also helps with nausea and pain.

What Are The 4 Main Pressure Points?

Acupressure is a very ancient method of curing diseases in Chinese medicine. It may seem mysterious to some people because the pressure points aren’t visible. You have to do acupressure using fingers, not needles, like an Acupuncturist.

In traditional Chinese medicine, they believed that the proper flow of “Qi” in the human body is important for good health. Qi is the life force circulating around the human body in 14 meridians or channels.

The Pressure points are spots with these energy channels. They support the freedom of Qi.” These are called acupoints sometimes.

What Are All 361 Pressure Points?

The experts have labeled all the 361 acupoints with the names of 14 meridians. They are:

  • Lung Meridian (LU)
  • Large Intestine Meridian (LI)
  • Stomach Meridian (ST)
  • Spleen Meridian (SP)
  • Heart Meridian (HT)
  • Small Intestine Meridian (SI)
  • Bladder Meridian (BL)
  • Kidney Meridian (KI)
  • Pericardium Meridian (PC)
  • Triple Energizer Meridian (TE)
  • Gall Bladder Meridian (GB)
  • Liver Meridian (LR)
  • Governor Vessel (GV)
  • Conception Vessel (CV)

What Are The 108 Pressure Points?

The Marma Chart has decided the 108 Pressure points. Among them, 107 is in our physical body, and the other is in our mind. Each of them matches with:

  • Vayu (function of prana)
  • Dosha (constitutional type)
  • Dhatu (bodily tissue)
  • Srota (physical channel)

How your health will be is fixed by how openly the ‘prana’ can flow from the ‘nadis’ through the pressure points. If there is any disruption, they can cause health issues.

The sizes of these points can be from one to six inches in diameter. These points were mapped centuries ago in the classic Ayurvedic text, Sushruta Samhita.

Where Is The Main Pressure Point?

Pressure points are formed from massage therapy as a part of reflexology. It includes applying pressure to certain points in the hands or feet of the body.

There is a belief that they respond to the body’s organs well. If a specific pressure is given in the pressure points, they may relieve stress and help to heal. The most used pressure points are:

  • Large intestine 4 (LI 4)
  • It’s located between your thumb and forefinger. They are suitable for reducing headaches.
  • Liver 3 (LR-3)
  • It’s in the upper part of the foot and situated in the space between your big toe and its next one.
  • Spleen 6 (SP-6)
  • It’s in the distance of three fingers width on the upper part of the inner ankle bone.

Final Words

Pressure points on the face for glowing skin will give you confidence and a natural glow. But you shouldn’t quit your skin care products to keep your skin glowing for a long time. Where there is trust, there is a positive result!