How you doing beautiful? Perhaps you hear the word daily a few times from others. Of course, you tell others the same words also.

Sometimes you feel awkward by saying someone is praising you or feel good too. But for social communication, you have to answer each time you can with a gentle tone. We will discuss them today.

What Do You Say To Someone Who Is Beautiful?

There are so many ways and so many words you can say to someone that you are beautiful. One of them is, How you doing beautiful? We already know that there are 195 countries in the world.

The most spoken official language is more than 7000. It’s not possible to mention at least one example from each language. You will feel bored too. Let’s know as much as we can the way you can tell others you are beautiful:

  • You look gorgeous!
  • You look as pretty as always!
  • I think you are very attractive!
  • You look drop-dead gorgeous!
  • I think you are stunning!
  • Wow, you are gorgeous!
  • You look absolutely fantastic!
  • I think you are super cute!
  • You have looks to die for!
  • I love the way you look today!
  • You look hot!
  • You’re beyond gorgeous!
  • You are so adorable!
  • You look so radiant!
  • You’re very beautiful!
  • You are very pretty!
  • You look as pretty as always!
  • You look drop-dead gorgeous!
  • You’re so adorable!
  • You look out of this world!
  • You have the most beautiful eyes!
  • I can’t take my eyes off of you!
  • You make my heart melt!
  • Your smile melts my heart!
  • I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you!
  • I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world!
  • You look like an angel!
  • Your beauty is incomparable!

Why Do We Like Looking At Beautiful People?

It’s not something new that we humans are praising the beautiful faces from the recent days. The historical portraits of the beautiful women imply that. Why do we like to look at beautiful people? The reason hasn’t been found out for days.

But there’s a recent study that shows that some specific parts of the brain centers make us feel happy when we see a beautiful face.

You can say about someone’s facial expressions, whether they are a good or bad person. As a human, you will feel that, by looking at them only once. Let’s find out why we love seeing a beautiful person and say, How you doing beautiful?:

We Inherent It

The research said that our visual system can scan human faces for some essential information and develop engaging answers. According to the result, we are born experts at reading faces. Our humane interest in various faces and their features, tells more about the person and thus we capture the reality.

We Prefer Beauty

According to vast research, the participants could finally be classified into three types of people according to pushing a drug in their brain to activate the reward system: most attractive, moderately attractive, and less attractive.

To them, the most attractive people are super attractive. Again, they spent time almost on the eyes of the people in the vehicle seeing their faces.

On the other hand, the low scorers were the attractive faces, with the drug that blocks the reward system of the brain.

By seeing this, the researchers found the conclusion that, according to evolution, our brain tries to seek the beautiful faces that they like to look at.

How To Respond To How Are You So Pretty?

You feel shy when someone says, “How beautiful are you? So, it’s normal that we won’t be able to find out how to respond sometimes.

It seems flattering or praising to you. If you don’t know it, just relax. Take a moment and smile. Now you can go for the reply when you are feeling confident again:

  • That means a lot [to me].
  • Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.
  • I guess I must be reflecting on you.
  • I was just thinking the same about you.
  • Are you always this flattering?
  • Oh stop, you’re making me blush!
  • Well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  • I’m glad you think so.
  • You’re quite the sweet talker, aren’t you?
  • That’s very kind of you.
  • I’m not sure what to say, but thank you.
  • And you are the definition of kindness.
  • Wow, I needed that boost today!
  • I appreciate your compliment.
  • Thank you, I try.
  • Are you trying to make me smile? Because it’s working.
  • I can see that your beauty standards are quite high.
  • Well, I’ve got a secret: it’s all about inner beauty.
  • Your words are as beautiful as the morning sun.
  • Oh really? Go on…
  • That’s one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me.
  • I think you just made my day.
  • I’m just a reflection of you.
  • I’m flattered, thank you.
  • I think you’re pretty beautiful too.
  • You have quite a way with words.
  • Thank you, it takes one to know one.
  • That’s a nice thing to say. I like your style.
  • You’re not so bad yourself.
  • I’m blushing!
  • You’re too kind!
  • You’re making me turn red.
  • I’m speechless but thank you.
  • Wow, that’s generous of you to say.
  • You’re making me feel special.

How To Reply To A Compliment?

Who doesn’t like to receive a compliment? All of us do. No matter if we are having a conversation with somebody, on a date, or chatting on social media, always a compliment makes our day beautiful.

At the same time, it’s also important to react softly to not make the other person feel awkward. Sometimes misunderstanding is created once you reply the wrong way. We have got this for you. Let’s discuss how can you reply to a compliment in different situations:

Sweet Responses For Cute

It always makes you feel good when someone is saying you are cute. You may feel shy but also you have to keep in mind that the person cares for you so you can’t hurt his or her feelings. You can reply like this:

  • “I appreciate you saying that.”
  • “Thanks – that’s nice of you to say.”
  • “That’s very sweet.”
  • “That’s nice to hear.”
  • “You actually just made my day amazing by saying that.”

Responses on a Date

If you are on a date or talking to your crush, you can say in the reply that:

  • “It’s really refreshing to meet someone who has a similar sense of humor – I love how sarcastic you are.”
  • “Thanks so much, I really like how honest and upfront you are (or other personality trait).”
  • “We’re both clearly in the complimenting mood because I think you’re pretty incredible too.”
  • “It’s so rare to meet such a kindhearted person – I’m grateful to be here with you.”
  • “I have to admit, I think you’re kind of cute too.”

Response to the Funny or Witty Compliment

Serious responses aren’t something you have to always go for. But you can always show your wits and sarcasm by replying like this:

  • “I think I’m in love with you.”
  • “I don’t think I heard you mind repeating that?”
  • “Well, I won’t argue with that.”
  • “And what else do you like about me?”
  • “Wow, keep ’em coming.”

Responses to a Flirty Compliment

There’s many ways you can answer flirty compliments while you’re talking to someone over text. Some of them, are:

  • “You just made me smile.”
  • “Thanks so much. Even though you can’t see it right now, I picked this outfit just for you.”
  • “Thanks so much – I love how (insert another personality trait) you are too.”
  • “I think you’re really attractive too.” <blushing emoji>
  • “Well, thanks! If you could see me, you’d know I’m full-on blushing!”
  • “Thanks – you made my day.”
  • “Thanks so much – I really like your (insert personality trait).”
  • “I so appreciate you saying that – that was so sweet of you!”

Responses for a Comment

You can respond to a comment in many ways but respond it first with a like. Such as:

  • “Aww, you’re the sweetest!”
  • “Thanks!” (insert heart emoji)
  • “Your opinion really matters to me, so I’m super happy right now.”
  • “That means a lot coming from you.”
  • “Wow, thanks so much.”
  • “Thank you – that was really sweet to say.”

Last Words

How you doing beautiful? It’s been a part of our daily life to appreciate the people we like around ourselves. Someone says that in a flirty way too.

But whatever their tone is, to maintain social etiquette you have to reply in a soft and gentle tone. We have mentioned many here for you. So, don’t worry, and start living your day with a positive vibe.