What’s Wrong With Your Face? Our daily life routine keeps us very busy. Over time, we don’t get time to look after our skin regularly. After a specific time, when we carefully look at our face in the mirror, we will see that it has already changed a lot.

The changes may also be in the shape, tone, and skin surfaces. This is when others ask us what has happened to our face. Let’s see the reason.

What’s Wrong With Your Face?

Whether we notice or not, age can bring changes from all sides of your skin and face. We gain not only age but also the experience of a lifetime to change the world. But the thing is, we also age slowly, which perhaps we don’t understand at first, but gradually we do.

The signs of aging become visible all over the body. But most importantly, on our face. What’s wrong with your face? We hear this question a lot, then. Some of the facial changes are:

  • The forehead gets bigger as hair starts to reduce from the face
  • The cartilage of the ear grows and makes it longer
  • The connective tissue of the nasal cartilage becomes weak with time, so the nose droops

Besides, there are a lot of other changes. The fat in the face starts to grow in different areas of the face. As a result, the round areas sink, and the smooth regions become saggy. It happens mostly on the chin.

Here comes the wrinkles. When the facial muscles keep tugging regularly, there are wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyebrows. Also, there are other reasons for the wrinkles; some develop because of smoking, sun damage, and the skin.

Why Do I Forget Faces Easily?

Some people keep forgetting faces. Also, they can’t recognize faces or understand facial expressions. The condition is called Prosopagnosia. There’s some reason behind the disease. If there is any damage to the brain, it may happen.

But some people may have it from birth. Also, the other issues are after a stroke, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), head injury, or Alzheimer’s disease. For autistic people, it is normal, too.

Why Do Some People’s Faces Change?

We humans are mortal. So, aging is a very normal process for us. After years, one day, you will notice that your mother or father’s face isn’t in the previous condition.

Wrinkles, sagging skin, fat in some parts of the skin, etc., change the shape of the face. The continuous changes keep happening because of the seismic moves under your skin. What’s wrong with your face? Let’s know about the changes in the skin:

The Bones

Bones may also change. Yes, you heard it right. No matter how much calcium you take, the bones may migrate, lose mass, and make bigger facial changes. When you lose your facial bone, the jawline will be retracted.

Thus, the neck structure also changes. Besides, the eye becomes wide. It shows that his eyes are sunk. Again, the bone angles decrease under your eyebrows.

So, the wrinkles create frown lines on your forehead, and the eyelids become drippy. Usually, it happens most for middle-aged women. Men don’t have to face them.

The Muscles

When bones are done changing, the muscles also start to show visible changes. The muscles’ strength and elasticity don’t become different from earlier.

You will see the most changes in the cheeks. A weak muscle also creates droopiness beside the upper eyelid and the eyebrow. Also, there comes “turkey neck.”

The sagging skin under the neck makes the dreaded look. Again, it happens most in between the 40s and 50s.

But it can come in the mid-30s too, which will continue till old age. The muscles’ most functional moments, like wrinkles, can also cause facial skin aging.

It is also a major factor in the dreaded “turkey neck” caused by sagging skin underneath the neck and vertical bands of muscles loosened by gravity and time.

The most significant changes typically occur when people are in their 40s and 50s, but they can begin as early as the mid-30s and continue into old age.

Even when your muscles are in top working order, they contribute to facial aging with repetitive motions that etch lines in your skin.

The Fat

You will see that most of the babies have cute, round faces. Thus, young people’s faces get fat in good shape throughout the forehead, temples, eyes, mouths, and cheeks.

But in the early 40s, that facial fat loses and drifts downward. As a result, clumping starts in the jaw, chin, and neck. The previous right and smooth face skin becomes sagging and loose.

Which makes the round face sink. What’s wrong with your face? Your loved ones will ask you once changes are visible in your skin.

A baby’s face is adorably round and full of pudgy pockets of fat. That facial fat remains evenly distributed throughout your youth, with pockets that prettily plump the forehead, temples, cheeks, and areas around the eyes and mouth.

Beginning in your mid-40s, however, facial fat loses volume and drifts downward, clumping around your chin, jaw, and neck.

Skin that was smooth and tight becomes loose and sagging, and features that once were round may sink. Fat loss also makes skin thinner and more translucent, creating discolorations as blood vessels below the surface become more prominent.

Even worse, the fat that clusters in the lower half of the face causes jowls around the neck and bagging around the chin.

The Cheeks

Although genetics prompts variations, the cheeks tend to be one of the first parts of the face to change as we grow older. Over time, ligaments loosen, and fatty tissue drifts down, making the cheeks appear flat and hollowed. It seems the skin is falling, but it is deflating.

The Nose

The connective tissue supporting nasal cartilage weakens as you age, causing the nose tip to droop. This can also cause the sides of the nose to collapse inward, making it harder to breathe. The nose can appear more prominent and wider as you age as the surrounding areas of the face shrink in volume.

The Eyes

The first signs of facial aging that send people scrambling for a fountain of youth are almost always in the eye area.

Eyelid skin is super-thin and can create a heavy, hooded effect when it loosens with time. Muscles in the eye area can also stretch as you grow older, making it difficult to open the eyes thoroughly.

Loss of fat volume where the lower eyelid meets the cheek, combined with thinning skin, creates noticeably dark circles as blood vessels become more visible.

Bags and loose skin under the lower lids complete the effect, giving the face a tired, aged look. While the shape and size of the eyes don’t change, differences in the eyelids, forehead, and upper cheeks as you grow older can make them appear hollow, dull, and less almond-shaped.

The Lips

Enjoy that pretty pout while you can. Lips begin to lose tone and plumpness as early as your 30s. As you enter your 40s, lines above your upper lip deepen as you age, and a loss of definition starts. If you smoke or skip sunscreen in your youth, you’ll likely see the results in this prominent area first.

The Chin And Jaw

No matter how beautiful your chin and jaw are, it will not be the same once you start aging. Almost all the fat from your face comes together under your chin and jaw because there’s little collagen and elastin to hold your skin tight. Also, the muscles of the neck become saggy. Finally, a double chin and jawline appear on your face.

The Skin

Looking at your young-age photos, you will feel unfortunate that your skin has been saggy from a tight and smooth beauty. At the start of the 40s, you will find more wrinkles on your forehead.

Besides, there will be crow’s feet around your eyes. Even when you smile, the lines will be deep in your cheek. But the sad thing is.

At least 90 % of the aging of your skin happens by the sun. If you spend too much time in the sun, there will be visible signs when crossing 50s. In the case of women, the estrogen level keeps dropping when they are in their 50s.

You will only face issues like this when you are aging. But your dermatologist can offer many treatments to bring back the lost youthful skin you want like earlier.

How Can I Improve My Face Memory And Name Memory?

There are certain things you can do to improve your facial memory. Without them, you will also face issues in your professional and personal life. Let’s know some scientifically proven methods to improve your facial memory:

  • Please focus on the details properly when someone is introducing themselves to you.
  • Carry on a conversion using their name on it frequently.
  • The memory hook will help you a lot in this case. Link the name or details with one of your five senses- sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
  • Look at the faces of the people properly by giving them enough attention.
  • Try to connect the name with the face as much as possible.
  • Try to remember with whom you met today.
  • If it’s essential, write their details in a file of your personal memory book.

Final Words

What’s wrong with your face? If you want to avoid hearing it from others, give yourself some importance as much as possible during your busy day. Take some precautions so that you don’t fall into depression by seeing the condition on your face when you age.